
The Coptic Orthodox Church offers us daily, through church readings, a rich spiritual education. The wonderful arrangement of these readings gives a clear and straight spiritual and theological thought.

– We present to the honorable reader on this site a study research on the readings of the Coptic catamaris in a simple attempt to understand and realize what the Church inspired by the Holy Spirit, who collected the chapters of these readings to present to us the mystery of Christ present in his word, and in his body and blood offered daily on the altar.

– The study presented through this website is directed to all the Coptic people who are interested in a deeper spiritual understanding of the church’s daily readings, and also for the clergy and ministers of the word. The site provides ideas for suggested sermons that are in line with today’s readings

Therefore, the research of this site includes several chapters to deal with the subject of readings (the readings of Great Lent as an initial stage) from various aspects:

  1. The meaning and significance of ecclesiastical readings in general.
  2. History of Lent Readings.
  3. The subject of fasting readings
  4. Similarities between the readings of Lent and similar ones in the Syriac, Byzantine, and Catholic churches.
  5. The link between the readings of Lent, the Holy Pascha, and the Holy Fifty Days, in the Coptic Church.
  6. A comparison of the Sabbath and Sunday readings for Lent.
  7. A comparison of the readings of the days of Lent.
  8. A statistical look at the readings of Lent.
  9. What does the explanation of reading every day contain?
  10. Suggested sermon ideas for today’s readings
  11. Homilies of patrists and homilies of modern fathers related to the topic of today’s reading

+++ We encourage you, dear reader, daily to visit the site, so that we all have a spiritual and theological understanding of the church’s daily readings.

+++ More explanations of the church readings will be published successively in due course for those readings