Fasts of Jonah
The Book of Jonah in the thought of the Church Fathers
The Book of Jonah in the thought of the Church Fathers The first patristic sermon on repentance… the way of
The explanation of the readings The Third Day of Ninevah’s fasting
The explanation of the readings The Third Day of Ninevah’s fasting The theme of this day’s readings is the
The explanation of the readings The second day of Ninevah’s fasting
The explanation of the readings The second day of Ninevah’s fasting The readings of the second day spoke to us
The explanation of the readings The first day of Ninevah’s fasting
The readings of this day declare that repentance is the door to our survival and salvation. So the Psalms assure
The sign of Jonah the prophet
The sign of Jonah the prophet The books of the Old Testament are filled with prophecies about the Lord Jesus