Symbols of Salvation Embodied
Symbols of Salvation Shown In the Old Testament’s Characters and Episodes through the Holy Pascha Readings as Thought the Fathers of the Church
“Through the Old Testament, we see that the mystery of Christ is not a new nor an innovated matter; but He does exist from before creation. He was shown as the symbol or the shadow that appeared in facts and acts of worship; and also through feasts mentioned in the Old Testament.” (Saint Cyril of Alexandria).
Again, “Christ was present in the incidents and characters of the Old Testament; even though as sign and symbol because of the weakness of the hearers.” (Saint Cyril of Alexandria). (Priesthood in the Doctrine of Saint CYRIL OF Alexandria – P.9 – Translated by dr. George ‘Awad Ibrahim). “The New Testament is hidden in the old; and the Old Testament is revealed in the new one.” (Saint Augustine).
(Explanation of The Book of Genesis – P.14 – Authored by monk, priest Yuhanna al-Maqary).
Adam, as an Example of Christ, to whom be glory:
(Monday Day’s Prophecy of the First and Ninth Hour).
- Saint Cyril of Alexandria says, “From the beginning, Man was made in the image of the Word. His nature had been appropriate for doing every good work and practicing virtue. For, He has <<created us for good works>>… that, within Man who was first created, was the proclivity that cherished power to embrace virtue, but not as much the same as to practice virtue.”
(Saint Cyril the Great – Explanation of the Book of Genesis book – P.97 – authored by monk, priest Yuhanna al-Maqary).
- Whereas Saint Clement of Alexandria (150-215 AD) sees that the aim of the Word’s incarnation is to remake us in the image and the likeness of God in the true meaning of the word.
“As much as I know, the humanbeeing was created of dust; but God recreated him of water, and made him grow in the Spirit. He taught him by the Word, guiding him to adoption and salvation through His Holy Commandments. By His renewal of the dust made human being, to be a holy, heavenly one by His coming, He could have completely verified the words of God, who said, “Let Us make man in our image, according to our likeness.” (Gen.1-26).”
(Saint Clement of Alexandria – Explanation of the Book of Genesis – P.113 – authored by monk, priest Yuhanna al-Maqary).
Also, Saint Clement sees that the image in which Man was created, is the likeness of the body which the Word took. As said Saint Clement, here, “the image of God is the image of the image.” 1: Oden, T.C. & Hall, C.A. (2002). Genesis 1-11 (The Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament part II). Illinois (U.S.A): Intervarsity Press. Page 27
- Such was explained by Saint Athanasius The Apostolic to confirm the distinction of mankind in Christ, and in the incarnation of the Word: “Because God is the Creator of all and King of all, He who surpasses every kind of essences, who is far beyond human understanding for the greatness of His goodness and the perfection of His loftiness, has created mankind by His Word, according to His image. Then He formed Man so that he, by the means of such likeness to Him, may be able to see and realize truths. Moreover, He granted him to know and acknowledge even His eternity; so that if he were to keep his nature perfect, he would never diverge from his thought about God, nor withdraw from the fellowship of the saints. But, as he had received the grace granted to him, and had also received the power of God by the word of the Father, he could have joy and partnership with the Divinity, being sure of living a perfect and blessed, immortal life. For, as long as he has not anything hindering the Divine knowledge to come into his mind, he may keep his purity in the image of the Father forever; that of God the Word, who created Himself in His image.”
- (Reference: Apostolic Saint Athanasius’ book “The Message to Idolaters – Second Chapter – Arabicized by FR. Morkos Dawud
- On the other hand, through his commentary on Romans 5:14, Saint John Chrysostom compared the effect that the humanity had due to Adam’s sin, to the overflowing grace received by Christ’s righteousness. Nevertheless, death had reigned over humanity, from Adam to Moses; it had even reigned over those who had not committed the transgression of Adam who is the similitude of Him who was to come. (And how had death reigned? “Over the similitude of Adam’s transgression”. Therefore, Adam is the similitude of Christ. And how does he say that he is the similitude of Christ? Because, though all those who came from Adam did not eat from the tree, yet death reined over them. Thus, Adam turned to be a cause of death which entered into the world, by reason of eating of the tree. Likewise are those who descended from Christ for though they did not do good works, yet Christ became a reason for the righteousness He gifted all by His cross.)
- (John Chrysostom – Explanation of the Epistle to the Romans book of Chrysostom – P.247 – translated from Greek by DR. Saeed Hakeem Ya’qoob).
- (5) As for Saint Augustine, he connected Adam and Eve’s relationship and marriage at the beginning of the creation, to that which happened in the fullness of the time; the revelation of salvation to the Gentiles; the bride of the New Testament, whom the Christ took to Himself by His cross. Such he showed through his explanation of the verse: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother (according to the traditions which were in eastern countries at that time, it was not the man who was to leave the house of his father, but the woman), and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” (Jen.2:24). “If Christ were to be joined to His church that they become one flesh; in what way then would He leave His Father and mother? He left His Father; that is, “He, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant” (Phil.2:6). That is how He left His Father; not that He forsook Him or separated from Him, but as He appeared in the form of mankind. But, how did He leave His mother? By leaving the synagogue of the Jews of which He was born by the flesh, to be joined to the church, which He consisted of the gathering of all nations.”
- (Saint Augustine – Explanation of the Book of Genesis, Chapter 2 – FR. Tadros Ya’qoob Malati).
Judah and Joseph
Lazarus Saturday Prophecy
- – Saint Augustine: – “He foretold a prophecy about the death of Christ, saying, “He lies down”; showing that His death was done by His will, not forcibly: for He was symbolized as the Lion. By Himself He revealed this power of His through the gospel. “No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again.” Said He. (John 10:18). Thus did the Lion roar, and fulfilled that which He had said. Besides this, He showed His power through His resurrection, as He said, “who shall rouse Him?!”In other words, it is He who is to raise Himself, and no man can raise Him. About His body He said, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” (John 2:19). He also talked about what death he was to die; about His going up to the cross. It was said, “From a prey, you have gone up…” (Saint Augustine – Explanation of the Book of Genesis – Chapter 49 – FR. Tadros Ya’qoob Malati).
- “There is no guile or vagueness in this word, being read in the light of Christ. That we see how His brethren the apostles and his close followers praise Him; seeking not their own glory, but His. Here we are to see His hand on the neck of His enemies, who obey and fell down to the ground by the growth of Christian communities despite their being violated by them. Here are the sons of Jacob bowing down to Him: I mean, the residue remaining; those who were saved by choosing to receive the grace. So the Christ, the born Babe, is the Lion’s Whelp. He also added: “My son, and offspring” so as to show how that this whelp, whose praise uttered, “A lion, which is mighty among beasts” (Prov.30:30), was stronger than their elders. Likewise, we see Christ going up to the cross, bowing His head and giving up the Spirit: “From a prey, you have gone up, my son”. We see Him lying down as a lion; for, in His death He was never defeated; but victorious. He was like a lion’s whelp: for the cause of His birth was the same cause of His death. He has risen from death by Himself: no one has, and none could have seen Him.”
- (Saint Augustine – Explanation of the Book of Genesis – P.496, 497 – monk priest Yuhanna al-Maqary).
- Saint Cyprian: – “Through the blessing of Judah we also find that there is a sign of Christ… in that His brethren shall praise, and worship Him, and that He shall pursue the remainder of His enemies, those who withdrew and fled, by His hands which carried the cross and overcame death: <<Your hands shall be on the neck of your enemies>> He Himself is the Lion that comes forth out of the tribe of Judah, who should bow down to lie in His passions; yet, He rises; and will, Himself, be the hope of the Gentiles. Then the Holy Books add, saying, “He washed His garments in wine, and His clothes in the blood of grapes.” As for the blood of grapes: what sign does it bear other than the wine of the cup of the Lord’s blood?”
(Saint Cyprian – Explanation of the Book of Genesis – P.496 – monk priest Yuhanna al-Maqary).
Saint Hippolytus: – “Here, the talk is more likely to be applied to Christ the Lord, whose brothers envied; against whom “the archers”, “the leaders of the people” set themselves with their bitter counsel. However, their bows broke; and the arms of their hands fainted. On the cross, He revealed victory over the powers of evil. But for Christ to be likened to the branch, such is frequently repeated, especially through the Book of Zechariah (3:8).
(Saint Hippolytus – Explanation of the Book of Genesis, Chapter 49 – FR. Tadros Ya’qoob Malati). “Who is the faithful son envied until this day but our Lord Jesus Christ? He is the one whom they envy indeed; that do they who have chosen to abhor him freely. Yet, it is impossible for Him to be conquered. For, in spite of His choosing the cross, He, as God, returned to life thus overcoming death. So God, His Father, speaks to Him, saying, “Sit Thou on My right hand” But those who fought against Him with all madness, have become nothing. This has the revelation informed us, <<The rulers took counsel together against Him, and cursed Him>>. The rulers, who were the leaders of the people, held their council against Him; and against Him they conspired by their bitter wrath. <<Yet their arrows broke, and the arms of their hands turned weak by the hands of the mighty One of Jacob>> by the hands of God the Father, the Almighty, who also blessed His Son in heaven and on earth… but by “the blessings of the breasts and of the womb”, he means that the true heavenly blessing is the Holy Spirit, descending upon the body (the body of Virgin Mary) by the Word (through the mystery of incarnation). In other words, by the saints and the womb, he means the blessings of Virgin Mary. But by <<the blessings of your father and mother>>, he means the blessings of the Father received by the church through our Lord Jesus Christ… and by the blessings of the mountains inhabited by their people, and the everlasting hills, he signifies the saints; as they were risen high above the earth, caring for none of the mortal things, but seeking what is above, going forth in truth toward heavenly virtue.”
(Hippolytus the Scholar – Explanation of the Book of Genesis – P507 – monk priest Yuhanna al-Maqary).
Jacob Put His Hands on Joseph’s Two Sons
The Third Hour of Great Friday
Saint Aphraate: – “Joseph was persecuted. His persecutors were his brothers.
Joseph was glorified, and his persecutors did worship him. Thus his dreams and visions came true. Joseph, who was persecuted, signified the persecuted Jesus.
Joseph’s father dressed him in a colorful shirt, while Jesus’ Father dressed Him in the body of the Virgin. Joseph’s father loved him much more than his brothers; whereas Jesus is the dear and beloved to His Father.
Joseph saw visions and dreamed dreams; while in Jesus, the visions and the prophets were verified. Joseph had been a shepherd together with his brothers, but Jesus is the chief among the shepherds. When his father sent him to visit his brothers, they saw Joseph coming, and conspired against him to kill him. And, when the Father sent Jesus to visit His brethren, they said, “This is the heir: come, let us kill Him.” (Matt.21:38).
Joseph’s brothers threw him in the pit; Jesus’ brothers laid Him down to dwell among the dead.
Joseph rose up from the pit; Jesus rose from among the dead. After he had risen up from the pit, Joseph assumed authority over his brothers. Jesus had dwelled among the dead, then His Father gave Him a highly exalted name (Phi.2:9) in order to serve His brethren and to put His enemies under His feet.
When Joseph’s brothers got to know him, they were ashamed, turned afraid and astonished at his greatness. When Jesus will come by the end of the time with His greatness revealed, His brethren who crucified Him will be ashamed, frightened and terrified before Him.
Moreover, Joseph was sold to Egypt, as counseled Judah. Jesus was given to the Jews by Judas Ischariot.
When Joseph was sold, he did not answer his brothers even for a word. So also did Jesus: He did neither speak, nor answer the judges who condemned Him.
Joseph was unjustly delivered to prison by his master. Jesus was unjustly condemned by the sons of His people.
Joseph had left two garments: the one to his brothers, and the other to his master’s wife. Jesus left His garments to be divided among the soldiers.
When he was thirty years of age, Joseph stood before Pharaoh, and became the lord of Egypt. Jesus, aged thirty, came to Jordan to be baptized; He received the Spirit, and went forth to preach.
Joseph provided bread for Egypt; Jesus provided the bread of life for the whole world.
Joseph took the daughter of the wicked, abominable priest to him to wife; Jesus espoused to Himself the church out of the filthy nations.
Joseph died, and was buried in Egypt; Jesus died, and was buried in Jerusalem.
Joseph’s bones were ascended from Egypt by his brothers; Jesus’ Father raised Him from the dwelling place of death. He clothed Himself in His body, and with it ascended to heaven in incorruption.”
(Explanation of the Book of Wisdom, Chapter Ten – FR. Tadros Ya’qoob Malati).
Saint Aphraate: – “Through the Passover, those were released from Pharaoh’s bondage; we, on the day of crucifixion, were saved from Satan’s bondage.
They slew a lamb out of the herd; and by its blood they were delivered from the destroyer. We are saved by the blood of the elect Son, from all the acts of corruption we had done.
For them, Moses was the leader. For us, Jesus is the guide and savior.
Moses split the sea for them, and let them pass; but our savior shattered hell and, smashing its gates, went in and opened them. Then He showed all who believe in Him the right way.
Moses offered them water out of a rock; for our sakes did our savior cause living water to run from His chest.
Moses promised them the land of the Canaanites for an inheritance. But our savior promised us the land of life for a possession.
Moses held up a serpent of brass which could save the life of every one bitten by a true one by looking at it only. Jesus hanged Himself so that all those who look at Him can be saved from the wound of the serpent, which is Satan.
For them Moses set up a temporal tabernacle, that they could offer their sacrifices and oblations in order to be purified from sins. Jesus set up the tabernacle of David which had fallen down (Amos 9:10; Acts 15:16), and has risen. To the Jews He said, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” (John 2:19). His disciples understood that He was talking about His body which He is to raise up in three days after being killed. In this tabernacle He promised us life; through it we are purified from our sins.
He called their tabernacle a temporal one, because it serves but for a short time. As for that of ours He called, the temple of the Holy Spirit that lasts forever (1 Cor.3:16; 6:19).
Moses brought his people forth out of Pharaoh’s bondage. Jesus saved the peoples from Satan’s bondage.
Moses was brought up in the house of Pharaoh. Jesus was brought up in Egypt, as Joseph there resorted, taking Him.
Miriam stood by the river bank when moses floated over the water. Mary bore Jesus in her womb when Gabriel the angel had borne her the annunciation.
When Moses killed the lamb, all the firstborn of the Egyptians were killed. But Jesus has become the true Lamb, being crucified. By His death died the people who are the murderers.
Moses let manna down to his people; and Jesus offered His body to all people.
By the rod, Moses sweetened the bitterness of the water. By His cross, Jesus sweetened our bitterness with the rod of the tree of His cross.
Moses gave his people the law. Jesus granted all people His covenants.
Moses overcame Amalek when he held up his hands. Jesus overcame the devil by the sign of the cross.
For his people, Moses brought forth water out of the rock. For all people did Jesus send forth Simon Cephas bearing His teachings.
Moses put the veil off his face, and spoke to the Lord. Jesus took the veil off the faces of the peoples that they may hear His teachings and receive Him.
Moses put his hand on his apostles to receive priesthood. Jesus put His hand on His apostles to receive the Holy Spirit.
Moses went up to the mountain, and there he died. Jesus ascended to heaven, and sat at the right hand of the Father.”
(Explanation of the Book of Wisdom, Chapter Ten – FR. Tadros Ya’qoob Malati).
Covenant Thursday, First Hour
Moses on the Mountain, Praying, and Joshua, Fighting Against Amalek
“I wonder how it came to pass that while Joshua was warring against Amalek, Moses was praying, thus sitting down with his hands held up though he was put under critical circumstances! Such would rather compel him to pray with his knees bowed down, hands striking the chest, and a face dropped down to the earth… Nevertheless, it was a must for him to bear the sign of the cross that by so doing, Joshua could prevail in the battle.”
Tertullian the Scholar: – “Seeing the hardness of that people’s heart, Moses held up his hands on the Sabbath, relating himself to the cross in a symbolic way.”
Father Victorianus: – “Joshua overcame Amalek with this sign which is the cross, through Moses.”
Cyprian the Martyr: – “When the wooden cross came into the commandments, it turned them torture; for, they had to be spiritually done. Consequently, the same commandments grew inevitable for life.”
Origen: – “When Moses holds up his hands, Amalek is prevailed. But as soon as he lets them down for being hurt, that he may give them rest… Amalek prevail. Then let us also hold up our hands in the power of the cross of Christ, and pray “In all places, with no anger nor dispute, but with pure hands.” (Eph.2:8), that we may be worthy of God’s help. This is what Jacob the apostle recommends us to do; as he says, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (4:7). So let us begin by fullness of faith; then not only will the devil flee away from us, but will be pulverized under our feet as well; just as Pharaoh sank in the sea and was swallowed up in the depths of the pit.”
(Origen the Scholar).
(Explanation of the Book of Exodus, Chapter 17 – FR. Tadros Ya’qoob Malati).
Moses’ Humility is the Shadow of the Humility of Christ (As Thought Saint Ephrem)
(Father Yuhanna al-Maqary – P106-170)
The Serpent of Brass
“What serpents are those which bite? They are the sins proceeding from the death of the body.
Which serpent that was held up? The Lord’s death on the cross. Just as death came by the serpent, it is signified by an image of a serpent.
The serpent’s bite causes death; but the Lord’s death gives life. As He looks at the serpent, it loses its power! What is that? Just by a look from Him at death it loses its power. But whose death? The death of life…
By the death of Christ, (the Life) died death.
The death of life slew death.
The fullness of life swallowed up death.
Death became dissolved in the body of Christ.
Therefore to the resurrection we sing, and the victorious say, “O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?” (1 Cor.15:54)…
There is a difference between the symbolic image, and the true incident. For, the sign evokes a temporal life; but the truth to which the sign or symbol is, gives life everlasting.”
(Saint Augustine).
(Explanation of the Book of Wisdom, Chapter Sixteen – FR. Tadros Ya’qoob Malati).
The Sheep of the Passover
Father Melito, Bishop of Sardis: –
“The mystery of the sheep of Passover is realized in the body of the Lord…
For He was led as a lamb, and as a ewe was slain, saving us from the bondage of the world (Egypt), liberating us from the bondage of the devil, as from Pharaoh. He sealed our souls by His Spirit, and by His blood He sealed our body members…
He is that one who delivered us from bondage to liberty, from darkness to light, from death to life, and from oppression to an eternal kingdom…
He is that one who was (the Passover) the pascha of our salvation…
He is the dumb Lamb… taken from among the herd, led to be slain in the evening, and in the night was buried.
Therefore was the feast of unleavened bread bitter, as says your Scriptures: you shall eat unleavened bread with bitter herbs…
Bitter for you were the nails that were used;
Bitter was the tongue that blasphemed;
Bitter was the vain witness you uttered against Him…”
Furthermore, he says,
“Now look O dearly loved, how the mystery of the Passover is both new and old, lasting forever and fading away; incorruptible and corruptible; immortal and mortal!
It is old, according to the law; and new according to Logos (The Divine Word).
It is fading away through the symbolic statements; everlasting in the words of grace.
It is corruptible for the death of the lambs and incorruptible for the life of the Lord…
Thus is the sacrifice of lambs, the rite of the Passover, and the letter of the law; all have come true in Christ Jesus. Instead of the law came the Logos: so the old turned new; the commandment, grace; and the symbol, fact.”
(Father Melito, Bishop of Sardis – Explanation of the Book of Ezra, Chapter Six – FR. Tadros Ya’qoob Malati).
Covenant Thursday Lakkan
Saint Irenaeus: – “It was meet that Moses should bring the people forth out of Egypt; but Jesus led them to the place of inheritance.
Moses, being a representative of the law, had to cease; but Joshua, (Jesus), because He is the Word that became flesh, came to preach the people…”
(Explanation of the Book of Joshua, Chapter One – FR. Tadros Ya’qoob Malati).
(Jonah 1, 2)
The Twelfth Hour of Great Friday, and the First Hour of Bright Saturday
(Our Jonah says, I really know that this mighty tempest striking you is because of Me, as the wind sees Me sailing with you to Tarshish; that is, “to the meditation of delight”. I lead you to glory; even to wherever I be; there you too will be, where the Father is. So anger comes to pass: the world cries; nature is troubled! Death wants to swallow Me up that it may kill you in the meantime, unknowing that by so doing it takes Me as a trap! For, by My death it dies. Now, take me: throw me into the sea!)
(Saint Jerome – Explanation of the Book of Jonah, Chapter 1 – FR. Tadros Ya’qoob Malati).