Table of Contents
(Matt.6:19 – 33). What would your choice be for a master? The days of the holy fast are so dear for our lives in particular, and for the church in general. For each day of them is of a great value in everyone’s life. The life of Man may be one of three: – gold days: those are the days of good health, strength, success, and spiritual loftiness of Man’s age. Frankincense days: those of diligence, labor, weariness, and struggling for bread. For spiritual life this is called the lineage of prayer and worship. Myrrh days: those of distresses and disasters that bring harm to Man, like missing a beloved one or, the times of failure. These three day patterns are relevant to the gifts given from the Magi to the Lord Christ. The Fast, in its spiritual concept, is regarded as a period of gold days. That is why we keep these days in regard. For them also the church has ordered a well-prepared, perfect curriculum that is built upon stations. For every week she has given a name; as if you were walking along these days holding a ruler! For the First Sunday of the holy fast the Gospel is to put us to choose between two: so the church calls it, “Sunday of treasures in heaven; or, of choice.” Besides, this is considered an educational text derived from the sermon on the mountain included in the Holy Scripture. Therefore it is characterized with the “No” trifold: –
- “’Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth’” (Matt.6:19). You have to note this statement; as it is explicitly said. What Christ has said is said for the good of our lives. There is a sin of the love of possessing; which is known for monastic life by “the sin of possession.” For it occupies the mind of Man with earthly things, thus diverting him from focusing on heaven. Now you must consider how trifle are all that is on earth. Thus says the Scripture: “’For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.’” (Matt.6:21). That is one of the principles of fasting. It is important for you to be concerned with the commandments of the Bible: “’Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth’”.
- “’No one can serve two masters;” (Matt.6:24). It is Impossible for any of us, even in regard of the fields of civil work – to be managed by two bosses coexisting side-by-side. Simply He does expound why: “’For either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other.’” And in a more brilliant image He clarifies that truth, as He says, “’You cannot serve God and mammon…’” (Matt.6:24). Hence comes a question: What would your choice be for a master? Who is your master? Before you are two choices: to “worry about tomorrow”, (Matt.6:34) Here, by not to worry He means, do not bear the burden of the day to come. Here He gives many examples: like the birds, that know their way very well, unworried about tomorrow. Then He talks to us about the herbs of the field; He says: “’Are you not of more value than they?’” (Matt.6:26). The point is that Man should not be worried about tomorrow. There is a nice idiom that says, “Tomorrow is for God to bring forth, and for Man to make.” This will be according to your acts and works. The church sets before us this “No” trifold for the first week: “the week of preparation”. Now if we turn back to the question asked by the church: What would your choice be for a master? Or, who is to rule over you? Do not suppose that Christianity affects us badly; never… On the contrary. Abraham the father of fathers was very rich. So also was Abba Antony; he was a descendant of a rich family. Riches is a grace of God. Money has its charm and glitter. The Egyptian idiom “This one is doing well”, means that he is wealthy. Money has much benefits when it is well used. It gives much availabilities of usage in many good fields; as building hospitals, schools, universities, roads, and such other beneficial projects. Despite being so, it has only limited ways of help. That is to say, there are many who suffer from diseases because of which they may be unable to sleep well at night; possessed with anxiety and tension. For, a human-being cannot live for more than two days without sleeping; even if he has much wealth. But he can never buy the peace of mind and body. By money, Man may buy whatever kind of medicine needed; yet, medicine is not to guarantee health to Man. Also there may be one who can buy a habitation; but cannot buy peace to be brought into this house. There may be a person living in a palace; but inside it there is no peace. So says the Holy Scripture: “Better is a dry morsel with quietness, than a house full of feasting with strife.” (Prov.17:1). So many are the graces given for Man in life; among which is wealth, whether much or little. But what do you choose to rule over you? Is money your master, or servant? Is it your aim, or just means? Is it of greed and covetousness, or with satisfaction? “And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.” (1 Tim.6:8). Once I was in one of the countries; where I asked someone what his weekly wage was, and what he did with it. He said that in the weekends, Saturdays and Sundays, he was used to go out together with his friends, buy all kinds of alcoholics he liked, drink and get drunken, so doing till the end of the holiday. Afterwards was the beginning of the week to come: (Monday), so that he would start his work once again. What life is that? The human-being of this time suffers from severe idleness; being just like a drum: empty from within; in whom there is neither fullness nor carefulness. Consider the example of the family of Lazarus: when the two sisters, Mary and Martha, were waiting for the Lord Christ; and when He came to them, we find how Martha was occupied with the service of hosting, while Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet. So He said to her, “’Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed.’” (Luke 10:41 – 42). One thing is needed: the Lord Christ in person. Martha should have not been that busy. Rather, she should have worked with wisdom and asked the help of those around her, not having been cumbered with all such things. Beloved, you should know that there are those who are poor in money, but at the same time rich in faith. Of those there are many examples shown through the Holy Scripture: –
1- The Rich Man and Lazarus: the rich man fared sumptuously; while poor Lazarus who was laid at the gate of the house or the place where the rich man was living, did not find anyone to cure his wounds, but the dogs, those which were more compassionate than Man, went to him, and used their tongues to wipe some of them. For some people hardness is one of the problems of owning mammon. But this hardness of heart is not a common feature of all those who are rich; for of the wealthy there are so many merciful people. There are those poor in money but rich in faith; while there are those rich in money and fool in behavior.
- The Fool Rich Man: he had so much money. But one time he made his decision, thus saying, “’I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build greater, and there I will store all my crops and my goods. And I will say to my soul, ‘Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry.’’ But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul will be required of you’” (Luke 12:18 – 20). There is an important matter to which we should pay attention: the fast, my beloved brethren, attracts our attention to what the Scripture says, and to the good direction of every commandment. The fool rich man’s stupidity was due to his attitude in spite of his riches.
- The Prophet David: he was a king, poet, and prince of the army of his country. Besides, he was a musician, and a writer of psalms. In spite of that all, this great king stood and said, “You have put gladness in my heart, More than in the season that their grain and wine increased.” (Ps.4:7). By “grain” he meant wheat; by “wine”, grapes; and by “their oil”, olives: so, those in all are crops. That is, they have a cultivated land bringing forth crops of wheat, grapes and olives. Whenever there is an abundance of crops, people would be overwhelmed with joy. Nevertheless David said to Him, “You have put gladness in my heart”: that is to say, it is in You and with You, O Lord, that happiness is found; that which is put within us – which also made me glad. This beautiful image motivates us to set before our eyes continually the virtues coming out of using money, whether little or much. Among these are: – Thanksgiving: [No gift without increase, but that which is without thanksgiving.] (Saint Isaac of Syria). For whoever gives thanks continually, receives the blessing of God. A heart committed to gratitude and thanksgiving is for grace to come in. Satisfaction – Contentment – Mercy – Good dispensation… All these virtues are related to money; as it is a talent which you should know how to use! There are those who complain of the lack of money and of incapability. However, you should be wise in managing everything you use: such as electricity, water, power, telephone, internet… ETC; all of which are unfitting with fasting. For, to fast, is to live with our Lord, enjoying His presence. Therefore the Holy Scripture says, “’Go into your room, and… shut your door…’” (Matt.6:6). Do not suppose of that talk to be just a good one and that is all! Such is unknown for Christianity; there is nothing merely called sweet: a commandment is a commitment. The direction is a Scriptural piece of advice given to you personally; and you are to be in charge of carrying it out. Go to your room: that also means, go to your heart and know what therein is. For the day will come on which you will show forth your heart to our Lord. But to “shut your door”, is to shut your mouth: here the talk is about prayer. I would be astonished at seeing someone putting his mobile phone beside him while praying – keeping an eye on it. So I need to tell you that God, who has given you life with all its gifts and graces, and has brought you to this holy hour, must be worthy of your giving Him some time of yours… at least some minutes!
1. Make your daily arrangements, provided that God will be given the first priority. Set this as your constant motive. Work on yourself for 40 days up to the end of being accustomed to practicing holy acts; go on doing them.
2. Daily in all your talks, acts, deeds, and times, God must be given priority. Offer God much time out of all what you do. May this fast be a holy one, full of spiritual Blessings, getting you to take heed to your soul. Beloved, learn that you do not have but one soul which, if you lose, you will have lost everything. Christ grant us that we live with His satisfaction to the last breath.